The Orchidaceae is one of the most species-rich angiosperm families, with over 30,000 accepted species. With the exception of Antarctica, the family can be found on all continents and the majority of island groups. Orchids, like many other plant groups, face significant threats from habitat destruction and fragmentation, overharvesting, climate change, and a variety of other human-caused issues. Many countries list them as threatened plant species, and as research continues, the number of endangered orchid species on national and international lists is bound to grow. Most orchid species' threat levels are likely to rise further in the future due to their limited distributional ranges and occurrence in naturally small and isolated populations. Orchids' highly specialized pollination strategies (e.g., food and sexual deception), high pollinator specificity, and reliance on pollinators for sexual reproduction are additional factors that may push them to the brink of extinction. Macroscale studies evaluating the spatial distribution of orchids, which are critical for identifying key locations for orchid conservation, are mostly lacking in Nepal. One of the causes of this gap may be the absence of high-resolution data on orchid distribution. This data deficiency has not only limited our understanding of the factors that influence the spatial pattern of orchid distribution but also hindered the development of successful orchid conservation plans, which Nepal desperately needs.

Figure 1. Spatial patterns of (a) all, (b) common, (c) rare, (d) epiphyte and (e) terrestrial orchid species richness estimated in 10 × 10 km2 grid cell. (f) Pearson's correlation coefficient between species richness patterns of the five species groups. The significance of the correlation tests was computed using modified t-test. All correlations were statistically significant at α level 0.05.
In order to fulfill this data and knowledge gap, we built one of the most comprehensive distribution datasets for all orchid species (>500) in Nepal at a much finer spatial resolution of 10 × 10 sq. km. Using this dataset together with the environmental data estimated at the same spatial resolution and insect diversity data compiled herein, we identified the key factors driving the spatial patterns of orchid species richness. We also evaluated potential gaps in their conservation and identified critical areas for systematic conservation of orchids in Nepal. we found that the fundamental drivers underlying the richness pattern of distinct species groups also differed. For example, variables representing climate seasonality and habitat heterogeneity were consistently the most important predictors of the richness patterns of all, common and terrestrial orchids, whereas water-related variables were important in predicting the richness pattern of epiphytic orchids. These differences in the importance of predictors in explaining the richness patterns of different groups could be attributed to differences in their adaptations to varying environmental conditions. Insect diversity was the most important predictor of the richness pattern of rare orchid species and all the models consistently supported this. We identified priority locations for orchid conservation in Nepal that
account for around 3 % of the overall land area. These places are primarily found in the mid-hills and highlands of central Nepal, with the majority of them located in the mid-hills. The phi coefficient revealed that the key locations for distinct species groupings have relatively little spatial congruence. This could imply that the conservation of one species group is insufficient to assure the protection of the other. This is quite expected given that different species groupings have different ecological correlates and consequently different spatial distributions. Key areas for preserving orchid species are only very marginally covered by Nepal's protected area network. A significant number of
orchid species (101 taxa), mostly distributed in the eastern and central mid-hills, are still found outside of any protected area network. Rare and epiphyte orchids in particular have the least protection coverage overall, indicating increased vulnerability of these two groups. One of the reasons for the inadequate representation of orchid species may be the uneven distribution of protected areas in Nepal. For example, the majority of protected areas are located in the northern highlands, and the coverage of protected areas in Nepal's mid-hills and lowlands is incredibly sparse.

Figure 2. Important areas for the systematic conservation of (a) all, (b) common, (c) rare, (d) epiphyte and (e) terrestrial orchids in Nepal identified using complementarity algorithm. (f) Phi Coefficient between the spatial patterns of key areas of the five species groups. Significant associations are shown with an asterisk (*p < 0.05) next to the coefficient.
This shows that Nepal's network of protected areas is insufficient for protecting plants in general. Nepal's protected area coverage, with 23.39 % of the country's total land area, is very close to the post-2020 global biodiversity objective, which aims to conserve at least 30 % land area by 2030. This covering, though, is by no means typical for preserving plants. Therefore, concentrating primarily on percentage-based targets to increase the coverage of protected area networks is less beneficial for maintaining biodiversity in general. Assessment of whether these regions are accurately reflective of the existing biodiversity is the only way to determine whether biodiversity conservation efforts have been successful.